About adi
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud adi contributed a whooping 321 entries.
Entries by adi
INTERVIU Justa măsură se află uneori la stânga, alteori se află la dreapta
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiVARIA Vampires, colonist ancestors, and identity.
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiThe challenge of the economic crisis. Is the capitalist model the right way?
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiMarisa Civardi: profilo scientifico di una studiosa di scienzesociali
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiIllegal immigration at sea: a social analysis
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiCultural imperialism or ”soft imperial power” in the XXIst century global order
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiRecenzie – De la presa studențească în comunism la presa postcomunistă
23 January 2017 in Issue 3(5)/2014 /by adiAccesari site
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