DANIEL ŞANDRU (b. 1975) is a Ph.D. University Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Administration at ”Petre Andrei” University of Iași. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow at the Romanian Academy, within the project ”Knowledge-Based Society – Research, Debates, Perspectives”. He has conducted specialization and documentation internships in Political Science and Political Theory at Utrecht University, the Netherlands (1999), University of Konstanz (2010), and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2011), Germany. He is a member of the International Sociological Association and the International Political Science Association.

He co-edited, together with Sorin Bocancea, the volume ”Mass Media and Democracy in Post-Communist Romania” (Institute of European Publishing, Iași, 2011). He has published the books ”Under the Sign of Everyday Paradox” (journalism, Institute of European Publishing, Iași, 2010), ”Reinventing Ideology: A Theoretical-Political Approach” (Institute of European Publishing, Iași, 2009), which received the ”World of Tomorrow” Prize awarded to a young political science researcher by Sfera Politicii journal, ”Concepts and Models in Political Science” (co-author, Cantes Publishing, Iași, 2001), and the online course ”Political Theory and Ideology” (Institute of European Publishing, Iași, 2011).

He began his career in journalism as the editor-in-chief of Opinia Studențească magazine and currently serves as a book reviewer for CEU Political Science Journal (Budapest), a peer reviewer for Transilvania Journal (Sibiu), and an editor for Sfera Politicii journal. (Bucharest).